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Learning Loss

Learning loss in children has always been a long-standing educational issue, primarily addressed by educators during the summer months that children are off from school - Summer Learning Loss. This loss in learning varies across grade levels, but is most prevalent during the elementary school years, and children in low-income and historically disadvantaged areas are negatively impacted The most. During the summer children can lose three months or more of grade level math skills and knowledge, while losing two months or more of reading achievement.  Between first grade and fifth grade, many children can lose altogether more than a whole grade level of academic achievement.

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Enter Covid-19

Studies are showing that the impact of the pandemic on primary and secondary education is significant. Children, on average, are now five months behind in mathematics and four months behind in reading, affecting many more children and further widening the preexisting achievement gaps. The fallout from COVID-19 on education threatens to have a negative impact on our children for many, many years to come without immediate intervention. Smart Me Educational Products offer at-home resources in math and reading to give any child... from the challenged to the gifted... an opportunity to practice, review, and reinforce learning in order to fill in the gaps from unfinished learning and build strong foundational skills to get back on track, stay on track, or get ahead with the essential skills that are critical for academic success.

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